Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Intro, PLN, and twitter

Hello, my name is Anna and I am a sophomore here at Stockton University. I am studying psychology with a concentration in elementary education. I am planning to focus in on literature and history or math within my education major. I am also planning on a digital literacy minor, all on top of working as a hostess throughout my semesters remaining here at Stockton. I hope to inspire my future students like some of my teachers inspired me.

Chapter 6
A PLN otherwise known as a personal learning network helps you to share your knowledge and gain knowledge from others that you would not interact with normally on an everyday basis. PLN takes social media to a whole different level and can be used to stay updated on what is going on in your field of work or education. The interesting thing about personal learning networks is you can make a community with connections all over the world that share the same interest as you and your community just keeps growing! Building your PLN requires dedication and attention. You want to have trustworthy accounts to help you increase your knowledge. As said on page 102 in The Connected Educator there are linking, lurking, learning, and leading educators. Your community should involve each one of these types of educators. A PLN is to work together and help everyone who is a part of your community to gain new and helpful knowledge.

Twitter helps you to stay in contact and stay up to date with things going on within your school or your town by simply using a #hashtag. You can use multiple hashtags in your tweets. A hashtag can be anything related to the topic you are talking about. Once you find a hashtag for something you are looking for you can find other pages that might interest you or give you useful information. Once you find those pages you can then follow them so you constantly see what new information they have to share. "Twitter is power, it can be used anywhere in the world 24/7" as described by Eric Sheninger hes says that its power. Twitter is a great way to share ideas with people all around the world. His students can learn about things all over the world from right where they are. He thought it was meaningless and useless until he stumbled upon an article which changed his outlook. According to GeekLess Tech "no one wants to tweet to an egg" so make sure you include a picture of yourself as well as some background. This information makes you searchable! Being searchable helps you to gain knowledge from others and share information with others. Share other peoples information by mentioning them or retweeting (RT) them, this helps you to make yourself known and get yourself out there for others to see your work and information you have to share. Always try to follow people that share your interests, don't get caught up in following people to get follows back, that is not how you want to make yourself known.

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